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How Effective are Your 360 Assessments?—Eleven Crucial Components of a "Best in Class" 360

EFFECTIVE PROCESS 360-degree assessments have become a common practice today. In fact, 85% of Fortune 500 organizations use multi-rater feedback (360s) as the backbone of their leadership development programs. Why are these assessments so important? Because leaders receive information that they would otherwise never receive.

Most organizations use external consultants or companies to run these assessments. Confidentially is very important to the participants and respondents and they feel more comfortable and secure with an external group administering the survey. This confidence increases the honesty and candor in the data reported, therefore increasing the value substantially.


However, there are hosts of 360s on the market today and not all are equal. There may be similarities but there are also some major differences.

So, when choosing a tool, what should you look for? What are the most important components in a 360?

In this webinar, Dr. Jack Zenger and Dr. Joe Folkman discuss the 11 components of a “Best of Class” 360 Assessment.

Participants will:

  • Learn what the 11 components are.

  • Receive a brief explanation of each of these 11 features & benefits.

  • Learn how the competencies and items were empirically derived.

  • See a response scale that avoids a false positive.

  • Review and compare scores to a high standard (75th and 90th percentile norms).

  • See how a leader’s current impact on direct reports is measured.

  • Identify the competencies that are most important.

  • Learn and understand our unique strengths-based emphasis.

Additionally we’ll discuss appropriate follow-up in order to gain the maximum value from the 360 process.

Register here for this free webinar:

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